All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. - Walt Disney
Dreams are illustrations... from the book your soul is writing about you.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

High School Drama.. Why Do We Do It?

Really it is all so pointless.. why do we (teenage girls) experience such joy and euphoria from tearing another girls life apart. We stab each other in the back and talking about each other behind their backs. Not only that but we don't even feel bad about what we have done, do we even care? In my four short years of high school I have been betrayed numerous times. Although it is shocking I am not entirely surprised, unfortunately it has become part of our nature as woman, subconsciously most of us want to be seen a strong alpha females and we do not care who we crush to achieve this. While not all of us want to do this we have come to learn this is the only way we can survive in today's society. As for myself I have been victimized but, at the same time I know that I too am not completely innocent and have committed this atrocity to others myself.
I was told to write a forgiveness poem in my English class (A poem in which you are forgiving someone who has done you wrong) In light of recent events I have decided to write a forgiveness poem about my past and present friends.

Forgiving past and present friends

I’m sorry that you had to lie

I’m sorry that you made me cry

stabbing me in the back with a razor sharp blade

stupid me for thinking that you were to come to my aid

I’m sorry that you had to ditch me for your new “friend”

but don’t blame me because you refuse to make amends

I’m sorry that I have been your best friend for countless years

and forgive me for shedding my tears

I’m sorry that I pretended that everything was okay

it was just too hard to say

I’m sorry that you changed

but you have no idea what you have even done

do you even know what you have become?

I want to forgive you

but you need to take the first step

do this and I will pursue

for me I hope that you will do at least this

Then I may forgive you

which I really hope I could do

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